MarketAxess Holdings Inc. (MKTX)
Dividend Date & History
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Dividend Data
MarketAxess Holdings Inc.’s (MKTX) dividend yield is 1.29%, which means that for every $100 invested in the company's stock, investors would receive $1.29 in dividends per year.
MarketAxess Holdings Inc.’s payout ratio is 40.38% which means that 40.38% of the company's earnings are paid out as dividends. A low payout ratio may indicate that the company has a strong financial position and can invest in growth opportunities, while a high payout ratio may indicate that the company is returning most of its earnings to shareholders. MKTX’s annual dividend is $2.96 per share. This is the total amount of dividends paid out to shareholders in a year.
MarketAxess Holdings Inc.’s (MKTX) ex-dividend date is , which means that buyers purchasing shares on or after that date will not be eligible to receive the next dividend payment.
MarketAxess Holdings Inc. (MKTX) pays dividends on a quarterly basis. MarketAxess Holdings Inc. (MKTX) has increased its dividends for 13 consecutive years. This is a positive sign of the company's financial stability and its ability to pay consistent dividends in the future.
Dividend History and Growth
MarketAxess Holdings Inc. (MKTX) dividend payments per share are an average of 2.80% over the past 12 months, 4.45% over the past 36 months, 8.56% over the past 60 months, and 17.03% over the past 120 months.
It is important to note that MKTX’s dividend history and growth can be affected by many factors, such as profitability, cash flow, and financial stability, as well as its growth prospects and dividend payout policies. Add MKTX to your watchlist to be aware of any updates.
Dividend Growth Table
Dividend Growth Graph
Dividend Yield
MKTX dividend yield graph is a visual representation of MarketAxess Holdings Inc.’s dividend yield over the last 12 months. This is useful for investors to understand MKTX’s historical dividend yield and to identify any trends or patterns in the company's dividend payments over time.
Dividend Yield Chart
Shareholder Yield
Shareholder yield is a metric that measures the total return to shareholders through dividends, buybacks, and debt paydown. It is a ratio that compares the cash returned to shareholders over a period of time to the market capitalization of the company.
MarketAxess Holdings Inc. (MKTX) shareholder yield graph below includes indicators for dividends, buybacks, and debt paydown, which allows investors to see how each component contributes to the overall shareholder yield.
It's important to note that shareholder yield is just one metric among many that investors may use to evaluate a company's financial health and its potential for future growth. It should be considered in conjunction with other financial metrics such as earnings, revenue, and debt levels to get a comprehensive understanding of a company's financial position.
Shareholder Yield Chart
Dividend Safety
Dividend safety refers to the ability of a company to continue paying its dividends to shareholders without interruption or reduction. A company with a high level of dividend safety is generally considered to have a strong financial position, with a consistent history of paying dividends and a low risk of default.
Some specific indicators often used to assess MarketAxess Holdings Inc. (MKTX) dividend safety include
- Dividend payment history: MKTX has a long history of paying dividends and has consistently increased its dividend payout for 13 consecutive years.
- Dividend payout ratio: A low payout ratio, typically less than 60%, indicates that a company has enough earnings to pay dividends and retain earnings to reinvest in the business. MarketAxess Holdings Inc.’s payout ratio is about 40.38%
It is worth noting that Dividend safety can change over time, and a company that was considered to have a high level of dividend safety in the past may no longer be considered safe today. Therefore, it is important to regularly monitor a company's financial performance and dividend payment history.
Dividend Safety Graph
Comparing MarketAxess Holdings Inc. to Other Stock
The percentile ranks table is a way to compare MarketAxess Holdings Inc. (MKTX) dividend yield relative to its sector, country, and the world.
- Dividend yield: MKTX’s latest value of 1.29% is the percentage of the current stock price that is paid out as dividends to shareholders. The relative to the sector, country, and world values (0.18, 0.25, and 0.33 respectively) indicate MarketAxess Holdings Inc.’s dividend yield compared to others in its sector, country, and world. For example, a value of 0.25 relative to country means that MarketAxess Holdings Inc.’s dividend yield is higher than 25% of companies in its country.
This table allows investors to quickly compare a company's dividend metrics to its peers in the sector, country, and the world, and evaluate its relative stability and growth potential.
Percentile Ranks Table
Dividend FAQ
Does MarketAxess Holdings Inc. pay dividends?
MarketAxess Holdings Inc. (MKTX) pays dividends to its shareholders.
How much is MarketAxess Holdings Inc.’s dividend?
MarketAxess Holdings Inc.'s (MKTX) quarterly dividend per share was $0.74 as of .
When is MarketAxess Holdings Inc.’s ex-dividend date?
MarketAxess Holdings Inc.’s latest ex-dividend date was on . The MKTX stock shareholders received the last dividend payment of $0.74 per share on .
When is MarketAxess Holdings Inc.’s next dividend payment date?
MarketAxess Holdings Inc.’s next dividend payment has not been announced at this time.
Does MarketAxess Holdings Inc. have sufficient earnings to cover its dividends?
MarketAxess Holdings Inc. (MKTX) has a moderate payout ratio of 40.38%, which may indicate a balance between reinvesting earnings and rewarding shareholders with dividends, seen as sustainable for future growth and reasonable dividend yield.