Equities portfolio
Easily track your portfolio
Create a portfolio to monitor the financial health of all your investments on one page and stay on top of market movements.
Our portfolio tools give you premium functionality: you can group instruments as desired, add summary rows or notes, and more.
Rare insight
We package our experience to bring you a wide range of tools for best possible investment management.
Time-saving impact
Custom views let you sculpt and organize the data you want to see. Koyfin works with you — to keep more impact on each screen.
Equities portfolio
Customize portfolio up to your needs
Create personal collection of financial investments like stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds using a variety of tools to keep track of it.
ETF & MF portfolio
Keep funds under your control
See at a glance how your investments are performing. Dive deeper for a more detailed view of each fund’s progress.
Portfolio columns
Track value and performance of investments
Easily input the details of your portfolio to keep track of the overall performance and monitor which stocks are leading and lagging.
Summary rows
See the portfolio level returns
Summary rows provide a quick overview of your investments to highlight strengths and weaknesses of your portfolio.
Great investments start with
great insight.
Join with the thousands of investors who’ve discovered Koyfin.