Equity Research
Financial Advisors
Independent Investors
Designed by investors, for investors, Koyfin provides you with everything you need to effectively manage your investment portfolios.
Easily spot new ideas
Koyfin’s live data, breaking news and powerful analytical tools, means that it’s never been easier to identify new opportunities & generate new ideas.
Everything in one place
Gone are the days of scrolling through endless tabs in your browser to get the data you need. View it, track it and analyze it all with Koyfin.
Flexible plans
Our affordable and flexible pricing plans give you the ability to level up your plan, unlocking new features as you need them.
Advanced Graphing
Customize graphs using hundreds of technical analysis indicators, create charts to illustrate fundamental and
valuation measures, and view analysts' price targets and consensus earnings estimates.
Custom dashboards
Create dozens of custom watchlists across all asset categories and tailor them to your unique investment management style.
Easy sharing
Add your company branding and download as a PNG or generate an iframe snippet to embed Koyfin into your
website. You can even export watchlists as .CSV files.
Track your portfolio
Create a watchlist of your Portfolio to easily keep track of your investments. Add your watchlist to a custom dashboard and you’re starting to unlock the true power of Koyfin.
Data points
Number of public
companies data
Years of statement
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