What is an ETF Exposure snapshot?
ETF Exposure is a Koyfin Pro snapshot that shows how many ETFs hold a particular stock. This powerful function provides a snapshot view of all ETFs which hold a stock, and details about the concentration in the ETF.
Note: ETF Exposure is currently available for US equities only

ETF Exposure allows you to discover various insights about the stock and its exposure in different ETFs including:
- names and count of ETFs that hold a stock
- ETF fund focus
- number of shares held by all US ETFs
- overall market value held by all ETFs
- % of shares held by US ETFs
- weight in each ETF
To get most out of the ETF Exposure, you can sort the table data by all available metrics (% of weight, market value, etc.) by clicking on the row header.
Where to find it on Koyfin?
There are two ways to access the ETF exposure snapshot of a particular company stock:
I. Left-side bar menu
First, type an equity name into the left-side bar search box. Then open Snapshots → ETF Exposure.

II. Command bar
Click on the top command bar or quickly activate it with the backslash “/” key on your keyboard. Then type an equity name → press “enter” → type EXP → press “enter” again. For example:
AMZN <enter> EXP <enter> will pull up the snapshot of ETFs with exposure to Amazon
BABA <enter> EXP <enter> will show ETFs with Alibaba exposure

Learn more about the command bar & search functionality here.
To learn more about this feature, check out our latest video demo:
(Timestamp: 10:42 - 11:55)