Scatter Plot as a Tab in Model Portfolios

We’ve added a Scatter Plot tab in Model Portfolios to make it easier to compare holdings and analyze performance.

What it shows:

  • Direct Holdings: Plot all direct holdings within the model portfolio for quick comparison.
  • Portfolio as a Single Point: See the model portfolio’s overall performance represented as a single data point.
  • Benchmark Comparison: Compare your portfolio to a selected benchmark, also displayed as a single data point.

Why it’s helpful:

  • Focused Insights: Pick X and Y-axis metrics that matter to your analysis.
  • Detailed View: Combine the scatter plot with a table for a complete understanding of your portfolio’s performance.
  • Quick Comparison: Check how your holdings align with portfolio and benchmark goals.

Scatter Plot on Model Portfolios Homepage

We’ve also added a Scatter Plot Chart to the Model Portfolios homepage to give you a quick overview of your model portfolio list.

What it shows:

  • Portfolio-Level View: Each model portfolio is displayed as a single data point.
  • Custom Metrics: Choose the metrics you want to analyze on the X and Y axes.

Why it’s helpful:

  • Fast Comparison: Compare all your model portfolios in seconds.
  • Clear Overview: Spot trends and relationships across portfolios at a glance.

Key Difference:

  • Scatter Plot Tab: Focuses on individual holdings within a single portfolio and includes benchmarks.
  • Scatter Plot Homepage Chart: Displays entire portfolios as single data points for high-level comparisons.

Watch our demo showcasing Model Portfolio Scatter Plot functionality: