Increased Holdings Capacity

We’ve expanded the number of holdings that can be included in Model Portfolios, Client Portfolios, and My Portfolio:

  • Model Portfolios: Increased from 200 to 1,000 holdings
  • Client Portfolios: Increased from 200 to 400 holdings
  • My Portfolio: Increased from 200 to 400 holdings

How to use

The increased limits apply automatically – there are no additional settings required. You can add new holdings via:

  • Manual entry in the portfolio editor
  • CSV upload for bulk additions
  • Integration imports (e.g., Schwab for Client Portfolios)

Cash Balances in Tables & Exposure

Cash balances are now included in tables and exposure exhibits across My Portfolio, Model Portfolios, and Client Portfolios, providing a more comprehensive portfolio breakdown.

Where cash is now visible:

  • Tables: Cash holdings are now displayed alongside securities in appropriate exhibits.
  • Exposure Exhibits: Cash is included in Security, Instrument Type, and Asset Allocation views, both in tables and pie charts.
  • Multiple Cash Balances: If you hold cash across different accounts, you’ll see each balance separately.