Independent Investors
Financial Advisors
Koyfin’s robust analytics power your investment decisions and help track portfolios.
Koyfin has been designed to give you a more complete overview of the
markets, allowing you to keep track of everything in one place.
Trusted around the world
Over 50,000 financial advisors worldwide use Koyfin as their number one tool to analyse the markets.
Keep track of everything
Our custom watchlists let you monitor everything all in one place, no matter their asset class. View it, track it and analyze it all with Koyfin.
Stay up to date
Koyfin’s live data, alerts and breaking news keep you up to date with the biggest movers and factors affecting the markets.
Maximize your time
Koyfin provides you with everything you need all in one place, so that you spend less time searching for information and more time helping your clients.
In the Kitces Report, users were asked about the value of tools they use relative to their cost. With a value of over 9.5 out of 10, Koyfin was the highest-ranked tool by Financial Advisors.
Model Portfolios
Koyfin allows you to create model portfolios and analyze the allocation, performance, and risk. Your model portfolios can even include historical changes to the target allocations.
Generate reports for portfolios and funds which cover performance, risk, exposures, comparisons, and more. Tailor reports with your brand colors and logo for a professional touch.
Track watchlists
Koyfin is your one-stop solution for tracking watchlists of stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds effectively in one place.
ETF Valuation
Visualize the historical valuation of ETF on P/E, EV/S and other metrics understand whether ETFs are cheap or rich vs. history
Market dashboards
Get a more complete view of the markets with our ready-made market dashboards. Covering macro themes like sectors, factors, govt yields and economic data.
Compare performance
Easily track performance vs. any security such as stocks, ETFs and other mutual funds.
ETF and Mutual Fund holdings
Get a transparent snapshot of your ETF and Mutual Fund holdings with Koyfin. Experience the benefit of seeing 'under the hood' of your investments for informed decision-making.
ETF and Mutual Fund screener
Harness the power of Koyfin's ETF and Mutual Fund screener to find investments perfectly matching your specific criteria, such as fees, performance, or risk. Drive smart, informed decisions and optimize your portfolio's potential.
Data points
Number of public
companies data
Years of statement
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